Just on a more serious note..
I'm thinking the 'king of the north' is the muslim extremists... Any body think that?
Just on a more serious note..
I'm thinking the 'king of the north' is the muslim extremists... Any body think that?
i was just reading some things about jesus one day on the internet and i came across an argument that jesus is an angel.
because in rev 1:1 it talks about a revelation that god gave him to show "his slaves" of the things to come.
then if you cross reference it with rev 20:4-6 and rev 22:4-6 it talks about an "angel" showing his "slaves" of the things to come.
Hi there:
Rev. 1:1 A revelation by Jesus Christ, which God gave him, to show his slaves the things that must shortly take place, And he sent forth his angel and presented it in signs through him to his slave John..
Ahh, I see what you mean..wow.. God sent forth his angel..Jesus? interesting..
Rev. 20: 4-6 ( I don't see anything there about an angel)
Rev. 22: 4-6 .......Jehovah the God of the inspired expressions of the prophets sent his angel forth to show his slave the things that must shortly take place.
Same thing..sounds like Jesus could be the angel..
Good Find!!!!!
the insert in this months km is 4 pages of revisions for the rev.
book i am going over them one by one.
most seem pretty insignificant, updated figures and such.
Thank you very much, V!!!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #cc9900; } .style2 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } .style3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-style: italic; } --> were you afraid of what people thought about you in the kingdom hall?
throughout my tenure as one of jehovah's witnesses, i could not help notice how individuals.
became so conscious of what others thought about them.
Yes to all the above.
I was afraid...that the local needs talk would somehow be about something I said or did wrong.
I was afraid to get taken to the back room, about something I did wrong..
I was afraid to make friends..for fear they would see an imperfection and report me.
I was afraid to be removed from the pioneer list.
etc, etc, etc...an ATMOSPHERE OF FEAR FOR SURE
this may have already been done if so sorry.. how many have gone on to earn college degrees after leaving the borg?
in what feild?.
how many are full time students now earning a degree?.
Hi I d'aed...in Nov. 2005.. and was a witness for 26 years..Never developed my talents..so I could go out in service as much as possible.
Now I'm going to H & R Block to learn taxes.. It's great fun..
hi gang: .
in strong's exhaustive concordance...the new testament word 'spiritism'.....means medicine or druggery... (pharmacy comes from the greek word).
hmmm....does that mean the new testament isn't against spiritism but against druggery?.
Hi gang:
In Strong's Exhaustive Concordance...The new testament word 'spiritism'.....means medicine or druggery... (pharmacy comes from the greek word)
hmmm....does that mean the new testament isn't against spiritism but against druggery?
What do you think??? Is spritism wrong for christians..or not????
hello all, i hope this post finds you well.. i was wondering - the same hardcore dozen or so posters seem to be the only ones who reply to and start topics.
looking at the member directory, there are loads of members, but most do a handful of posts then disappear.
is there just a crew of regulars here?
I don't know what it is about this site..but it's great. I am a christian but hate christian sites..for some reason..
I think I like this site, as the people are so tired of lies and hypocrites..
Also when you leave the JW's, you have a lonely gap.. This helps with this too.
its almost like 1987. anybody remember that?
i can't blame you if the memory is repressed.. win twins!
I live 3 miles from Detroit...and this year I'm getting into it..
if a person wrote a book with all kinds of hard to understand words in it...even some seemingly simple ones too.. lets say "sea"....do you know what the "sea" is to the author?
is it an ocean..lake...or big river..or a creek?.
how would you ever know for sure..if the author was dead or unreachable?.
Hi David...
Rev. 21:1 says in the New Heaven and New Earth, the sea is so more..
so sea must be symbolic? right? I can buy the sea, being restless mankind, without God.. What about you??
i'm a little rusty.. i remember reading that those who died before jesus's death would all resurrect on earth during the millennium, like john the baptist, who died before jesus.. and mary, although was born before jesus, died after jesus, so she will live in heaven.. so, after jesus's death, who are the 144,000 who will live in heaven with him.
could an old indian living in australia who never heard about jesus go to heaven....lol.
Hi JH,
I think the JW's have it all wrong.. In John 14:1, when Jesus talked of taking his followers to the 'many abodes', it is when the spirit of truth is sent down to them...as John 14:23
In answer Jesus said to him: "if anyone loves me, he will observe my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our abode with him."
So, going to heaven can happen while we are here, right now. And comes to us..
John the Baptist hadn't acheived 'heaven', as Jesus had to die before he sent the spirit down....